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New Holland 7635 DT

989 € HT

New Holland 7635 DT

989 € HT
Contact :
BayWa GMZ Manching
Weberstraße 9
85077 Manching


New Holland 7635 DT

Last updated on 7 March
N°2553436 (11109079)
Brand New Holland
Model 7635 DT
Type Farm tractor
Year 1998
Price 989,00 € Before tax
Horsepower 95 hp
working hours 13850 h
Specific equipment Front Pto
Specific equipment Frontloader
Dimension of front tires BKT 440/65R24
Dimension of rear tires BKT 540/65R34
Wear of front tires (%) 70 %
Wear of rear tires (%) 60 %

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